Thing #7: Presentation Tools - Google Slides


I have been investigating Thing #7:Presentation Tools. Our 7th and graders will be doing a PBL assignment in the spring. The plan is to have them do research on the occupation they are interested in following high school or for some college.

So, I decided to investigate Google Slides since it is already on the students' Chromebook (our district is very touchy about downloading anything).

I chose to develop a lesson on Slides using the book FEVER,1793. The 7th ELA teachers  are teaming with the 7th grade Social Studies to read and explore this book. It is based on the Yellow Fever epidemic that occurred Philadelphia in 1793. The ELA  classes will be reading the book as well as doing several writing assignments such as answering questions, opinion pieces, etc.. The Social Studies will be discussing the background piece of the book - life in the new States following the American Revolution as well as the vocabulary from the book.

The lesson I developed can be seen below:

The table above is taken from student's packet.

This is a table I made to help my Resource students review the vocabulary words, their meaning, and showing mastery.

This is also taken from one of the packets. 

As I was trying to post this lesson, I had forgotten how difficult it might be to post. I tried as a PDF file but no success. Then I tried as a PowerPoint file, but again no success. I decided to save each slide as a separate JPEG file. Knowing that some JPEG files can be large, I need to keep that in mind.


  1. Fever is such a great book! I don't read much YA, but I loved this one. Thanks for sharing the slides.


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